Terms and Conditions

Welcome to HumPool! These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") outline the rules and regulations that govern your access to and use of HumPool's mining pool services. Your engagement with our services implies your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. Before proceeding, we encourage you to carefully review and understand the conditions outlined herein. HUMPOOL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE AMENDMENTS OR ADJUSTMENTS TO THESE TERMS AS DEEMED NECESSARY. ANY SUCH MODIFICATIONS WILL BE PUBLISHED ON OUR PLATFORM, AND YOUR CONTINUED USE OF THE SERVICES CONSTITUTES YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND AGREEMENT TO THE REVISED TERMS.

Should you disagree with any part of these Terms, we kindly request you to refrain from using HumPool services. These Terms, along with any additional policies referenced herein, shape the parameters of your interaction with HumPool as you engage with our services on the website or application.

1. Account Registration and Management

1.1 Eligibility and Age Requirement: By initiating the account registration process or utilizing HumPool's mining pool services, you affirm that you are at least 18 years old or recognized as an adult in your country of residence. If registering on behalf of an entity, the authorized representative must also meet the age requirement and have the legal capacity to bind the entity to these Terms. Failure to meet these criteria may result in the suspension or permanent termination of your account, with associated liabilities.

1.2 Registration Obligations: You are obligated to provide accurate, current, and complete information during the registration process. HumPool reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts containing inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated information, with any resulting losses or consequences falling on you.

1.3 User Information: Following registration, you must adhere to all legal requirements when providing and updating your information. Any suspicion of inaccuracies, inauthenticity, or incompleteness may lead to inquiries, requests for amendments, or direct deletion of information by HumPool. HumPool disclaims any responsibility for resulting losses, and you agree to bear such losses and consequences.

1.4 Contact Information: It is your responsibility to maintain and update contact information, including but not limited to email addresses and phone numbers, to facilitate efficient communication. Failure to do so, leading to communication difficulties and subsequent losses, is your sole responsibility.

1.5 Security: Safeguarding the confidentiality of your HumPool account credentials is your responsibility. This includes username and password. You must promptly inform HumPool if unauthorized use of your account is detected.

1.6 Rights of HumPool: HumPool reserves the right to take necessary measures, including account suspension or termination, and may seek compensation for any breaches of security or failure to comply with registration obligations.

2. Services

2.1 Cryptocurrency Mining Pool Access: HumPool, along with its affiliates, provides users with access to cryptocurrency mining pool services.

2.2 Functions: HumPool offers various functions accessible through its platform, including but not limited to:

2.2.1 Registration. Users can register mining accounts through the provided registration function. The information provided during registration must comply with the standards outlined in Section 1.2. HumPool reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts that violate these standards.

2.2.2 Login Mode Mining. HumPool facilitates mining activities through a secure login mode. Users are responsible for ensuring the security of their login credentials. Unauthorized use must be reported promptly to HumPool.

2.2.3 Business Functions for Miner Management. Users can access and utilize business functions designed for efficient miner management within the platform.

2.2.4 Mining hashrate Monitoring. HumPool provides tools for monitoring mining hashrate, enabling users to track and optimize their mining operations.

2.2.5 Google Two Factor Authentication. To enhance security, HumPool offers the Google Two Factor Authentication feature. Users are encouraged to enable this feature for an added layer of protection.

2.2.6 Wallet Address Binding/Modification. Users have the ability to bind their wallet addresses to their accounts or modify them as necessary. It is the user's responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the wallet information associated with their account.

2.2.7 Modification of Minimum Payment Amount. HumPool allows users to adjust the minimum payment amount based on their preferences or operational needs.

2.2.8 Message Push Notifications. Users may opt to receive push notifications through the HumPool mobile application to stay informed about platform updates, account activities, and other relevant information.

2.2.9 Mining Income Settlement. HumPool provides a function for the settlement of mining income. Users can access this feature to manage and track their earnings.

2.3 Service Modification and Interruption:

HumPool reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate any of the provided services without prior notice. Such actions may be taken at HumPool's sole discretion, and users acknowledge that HumPool will not be liable for any resulting losses.

3. User's Obligations, Representations and Warranties

3.1 Legal Compliance: Users agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to cryptocurrency mining activities in their country or region. It is the user's responsibility to stay informed about and adhere to the legal requirements governing their use of HumPool's services.

3.2 Accurate Information: Users must provide accurate, truthful, and complete information during the registration process and ensure that it remains up-to-date. HumPool reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts with inaccurate or incomplete information.

3.3 Security Responsibility: Users are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account credentials, including but not limited to passwords and any two-factor authentication methods. Any unauthorized use of the account should be promptly reported to HumPool.

3.4 Responsible Mining: Users agree to use HumPool's mining services responsibly and not engage in any illegal activities, including but not limited to fraud, money laundering, illegal gambling operations, financing terrorist organizations, or malicious hacking.

3.5 Age Requirement: Individual users and representatives of entities must be at least 18 years old or recognized as adults in their respective jurisdictions to use HumPool's services.

3.6 Notification of Security Issues: Users are obligated to promptly inform HumPool of any security vulnerabilities or unauthorized use of their accounts to mitigate potential risks and protect the integrity of the platform.

3.7 Prohibited Activities: Users shall not register multiple accounts for malicious purposes, including but not limited to profit-making, speculation, cashing out, or obtaining awards through deceptive means. Additionally, users are prohibited from using HumPool as a platform for any form of illegal activities or unauthorized commercial endeavors.

3.8 Compliance with Platform Rules: Users agree to adhere to HumPool's rules, regulations, and guidelines governing the use of its platform. Violation of these rules may result in account suspension or termination.

3.9 Third-Party Claims: Users acknowledge that they are solely responsible for any third-party claims arising from their actions or use of HumPool's services. In the event of a violation of laws or regulations, users agree to indemnify HumPool for any resulting losses or expenses.

3.10 Cooperation with Investigations: Users agree to cooperate with HumPool in investigations related to suspected breaches of these terms or legal regulations. Failure to cooperate may result in appropriate actions, including account suspension or termination.

3.11 Financial Responsibility: Users acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for any taxes, fees, or costs, including but not limited to taxable income from mining activities, hardware, software, and service fees associated with their use of HumPool's services. HumPool shall not be liable for any financial obligations incurred by users in connection with their use of the platform. Users are advised to seek professional advice regarding the tax implications of their mining activities.

4. Termination of Services

4.1 User Termination: HumPool acknowledges the user's right to terminate their account at any time. Upon choosing to terminate, users remain obligated to fulfill any pending transactions and are responsible for costs incurred before account closure.

4.2 HumPool Termination: HumPool retains the discretion to terminate or suspend services to users with or without prior notice for various reasons, including but not limited to:

(a) Violation of Terms: Users found in violation of these Terms and Conditions, national laws, or regulations.

(b) Security Concerns: In cases where user activities pose security risks or for other necessary security reasons.

(c) Legal Compliance: Upon lawful requests or requirements from relevant authorities, or to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

(d) Unacceptable Risks: If users present unacceptable fraud risks, administrative risks, or provide false, incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading information.

4.3 User Cooperation: Users are obligated to cooperate with HumPool during and after termination, providing necessary information to address any ongoing transactions or legal matters. HumPool will not be liable for any losses resulting from termination.

4.4 Freeze of Accounts: For security reasons or upon HumPool's judgment of potential risks to user accounts or internal cryptocurrencies, HumPool reserves the right to temporarily freeze all or part of an account. Users requesting account thawing must cooperate with HumPool's identity verification process.



4.7 Restricted Jurisdictions: HumPool restricts the provision of services to individuals or entities in specific jurisdictions, including but not limited to Burundi, Central African Republic, mainland China, Congo, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and Zimbabwe. By accessing and using HumPool Services, you confirm and warrant that you are not located in, established in, or a resident of any of the aforementioned countries. HumPool reserves the right to limit or deny services in certain countries at its discretion. If HumPool, at its sole discretion, determines that users are residents of the indicated countries, HumPool may freeze or terminate their accounts.

5. Account Security

5.1 Account Security: Users are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of their HumPool accounts, including login credentials, passwords, and any additional authentication methods. Any unauthorized use or suspicious activities must be promptly reported to HumPool.

5.2 Security Measures: HumPool employs reasonable security measures to protect user information. Users are encouraged to adopt additional security measures, such as enabling two-factor authentication, to enhance the security of their accounts.

5.3 Account Freeze: HumPool reserves the right to freeze all or part of an account under a user's name for security reasons or as deemed necessary to protect user accounts and internal cryptocurrencies. Users applying for the unfreezing of their account may be subject to discrete consideration, and HumPool retains the right to determine whether and to what extent the unfreezing is allowed based on the reasons for the initial freeze.

6. Privacy Policy

6.1 Applicability: The HumPool Privacy Policy, accessible through our website/application, outlines the terms governing the collection, storage, disclosure, and use of user information. By using our services, users agree to abide by the terms of the privacy policy.

6.2 User Information: User information, as referred to in these terms, includes but is not limited to:

6.2.1 Personal information provided during account registration;

6.2.2 Automatically received and recorded browser or mobile client data when using HumPool's service, participating in website activities, or viewing webpages, including, but not limited to, IP address, website cookie information, and webpage request records;

6.3 Confidentiality: HumPool promises not to disclose non-public information such as user passwords, names, and mobile phone numbers to any third party without legal justification or prior user consent. However, user personal information may be disclosed in part or in full under statutory circumstances, such as user consent, legal requirements, or other disclosures in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

7. Disclaimer of Liability and No Warranties

7.1 Limitation of Liability: In no event shall HumPool, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and all third-party service providers be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages whatsoever. This includes damages resulting from:

7.1.1 The accuracy, completeness, or content of the HumPool site;

7.1.2 The accuracy, completeness, or content of any sites linked to HumPool;

7.1.3 Services found on HumPool or any linked sites;

7.1.4 Personal injury or property damage;

7.1.5 Third-party conduct;

7.1.6 Unauthorized access to or use of servers and/or content, personal information, financial information, or other data stored therein;

7.1.7 Interruption or cessation of services;

7.1.8 Viruses, worms, bugs, trojan horses, or similar factors transmitted to or from HumPool or linked sites;

7.1.9 Loss or damage incurred as a result of using HumPool or the services found on HumPool.

7.2 Service Interruptions: HumPool does not guarantee uninterrupted services or the timeliness and security of services. Users should employ industry-recognized anti-virus software to detect and remove viruses from files downloaded from HumPool's website.

7.3 Information Accuracy: While HumPool strives to provide accurate and reliable information, it does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any content or information obtained by users through its website.

7.4 Notices: Users acknowledge that official notices from HumPool will be delivered through formal web announcements, in-site messages, emails, customer service calls, SMS, or push notifications. HumPool shall not be liable for damages or losses caused by any information obtained through non-official channels.

7.5 No Warranties: HumPool makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding the services provided. This includes but is not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of the services.

8. Force Majeure

8.1 Event of Force Majeure: If HumPool is unable to perform its obligations under these Terms of Service due to events beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disturbances, acts of public enemies, wars, blockades, insurrections, riots, earthquakes, storms, floods, or other natural disasters ("Event of Force Majeure"), HumPool shall not be considered in breach of these Terms of Service.

8.2 Consequences of Force Majeure: During the continuance of an Event of Force Majeure, HumPool’s obligations shall be suspended, and the time for performance of its obligations shall be extended for the duration of the Event of Force Majeure without liability.

9. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

9.1 Applicable Law: These Terms of Service and any disputes arising out of or in connection with them shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore.

9.2 Dispute Resolution: Any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms of Service, or the breach, termination, or invalidity thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause. The seat of the arbitration shall be Singapore. The tribunal shall consist of one arbitrator. The language of the arbitration shall be English.